Industrial Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis System (BWRO) Major heavy machine company


In 2006, Pure Aqua successfully supplied, to a major heavy machine company, a water treatment package consisting of a Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis System (BWRO) to produce 80gpm of product from 113gpm feed, twin MLF-48A-F multimedia filters, twin ACF-48A-F activated carbon filters, antiscalant chemical dosing, and dechloronation dosing system.


Feed water to the system is processed water with raw water TDS of about 4,610 PPM. The system design was based on high rejection TFC spiral wound membranes. The Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis system was selected from our RO-400 Series, model number BW-130K-3680-5. It produces 80gpm of drinking water with TDS less than 100 mg/L.


From a feed TDS of about 4,610 mg/L at temperature range of 15?C to 35?C, the brackish water plant produces 80gpm of drinking water with TDS less than 100mg/L. Since the time of its start-up in October 2006, the plant has been running smoothly with minimal trouble-shooting.

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